Hackney & Blobs (2019)
Oil on canvas 60 x 60 cm
"It’s All Too Beautiful”
Bring me a London girl
- unmounted new recruits.
Bring me your bread,
your butter,
your blancmange
And your Bake Off.
After all This is England
In This Land, You Say;
‘Cream Always Rises to the Top, my love.’
I Say; ‘Like an Empire congealing?’
Among those dark satanic mills..
After all
This is England
Keep Calm and Carry On, My love
Keep Calm and Carry On, My love
Keep Calm and Carry On, My love
After all - we will chain you to a rail.
This is England
As the Wind Rushes In.
Bring me my arrows of desire,
Bring me my bow of burning gold!
“I am a pasty eater myself!
I go to Cornwall on holiday!
I love a hot pasty!” – Mr Cameron.
Over Bridges of Sighs Under Dreaming Spires
Till we have built Jerusalem from icing and marmalade
To rest my eyes in shades of saccharine green
On England’s pleasant pastures seen
After all This is England
And It's All Too Beautiful To Me.
by Kate Lewin and Ellen Angus as a response to Keep Calm Carry On Hackney (2017)
England This is Your England (2017)
Angus explores what she likes to call the economy of desire; how the psyche of the individual is influenced and shaped by the arrangement of wider society and how an individual’s desires feed, shape and tangle up with others to form the society we live in. In this sense, she explores the way in which advertising, marketing and branding utilise longing. She proposes investigations that take the form of games, partly fictionalised events and total environments that function more like living organisms than room installations. Within these environments, absurdity and ritual collaborate together to poke at issues concerning fortune, nationalism, oracles and gentrification.
The installation Keep Calm and Carry On Hackney! is her proposal for a new British Pavilion inspired by the 1937 British entry for the Paris Exposition. Here she depicts a contemporary British Landscape, using the changing demographic of an area of London named Hackney as a narrative. She interweaves government policies, idioms, nationalist fears, rising house prices, neo-liberal exorcisms and capitalist spells.
I installationen Keep Calm and Carry On Hackney! ser vi Ellen Angus förslag till en ny brittisk paviljong inspirerad av landets bidrag till Världsutställningen i Paris 1937. I verket skildrar hon ett modernt brittisk landskap med utgångspunkt i de demografiska förändringarna i Londonområdet Hackney, en berättelse som väver samman historisk imperialism med stigande huspriser, nyliberala besvärjelser och kapitalistiska trollformler.
Ellen Angus undersöker vad hon kallar en åtråns ekonomi; hur reklam och marknadsföring använder sig av människors längtan. I sin rumsinstallation iscensätter hon lekfulla undersökningar i form av spel och delvis fiktiva händelser, och aktiverar den genom absurd, rituell performance med udden mot frågor kring förmögenhet, nationalism, orakel och gentrifiering.
A Monument to Lost Fortune (2016)
Concrete cube full of Fortune Cookies 100cm x 100cm
A Hackney Horse / A London Girl (2017)
Video 5m39
Hackney Oracle Carpet (2017)
Keep Calm and Carry On installation view (2017)